Bronze Bars and Other Metals Play an Important Role in Architecture

The business of building things is no simple matter. Lives and livelihood are all literally depending on these structures to be strong, ergonomic, and safe. This is why it is absolutely crucial that those working in related industries, such as construction and architecture, pay very close attention to the kinds of material they use for their work.

There are different kinds of material that can be used for this purpose, including wood. In terms of modern buildings, however, metal now reigns supreme as a foundational material.

Some Examples of Using Bronze Bars and Other Metals in Architecture

The Preference for Metal

Builders and designers look to metals because of their strength and durability. Additionally, most metals are ductile and malleable, able to take on various shapes and sizes. They can be made into tubes and sheets, for example, and even bronze bars, to take on specific uses in various applications.

Because there are many different types of metal, it would make sense to pay attention to what their individual unique features. Brass, for example, is great for outdoor use because it is highly resistant to corrosion. The downside is that it develops a natural patina, which is why it requires regular polishing to maintain its glow and shine.

Bronze, on the other hand, is great for welding uses. Molten silicon bronzes are perfect for use in casings, artwork, and others because of its high fluidity. Bronze is also corrosion-resistant and has considerable strength and durability. It’s no wonder it is slowly gaining popularity in use as window casements and door frames. Not only does it deliver on strength, but also on high aesthetic value. Whether the building is to take on a classic or modern design, the incorporation of bronze will never seem out of place.

Copper, meanwhile, is renowned for it antibacterial properties, which is why it is a popular material for making kitchenware. In architecture, however, copper is appreciated for its strength and weather resistance, making it an obvious choice for roofing materials in most modern structures. In fact, they’ve now developed architectural copper, which is the kind designed and used specifically for flashings, expansion joints, wall claddings, spires, values, and even rain gutters and downspouts.

As varied as the choices are for metals used in architectural projects, it is highly necessary for builders to choose their materials carefully. Equally crucial is their choice of supplier where they’ll be getting these materials from. A reliable and trustworthy supplier, such as Rotax Metals, can help those looking for a wide variety of metal materials perfect for architectural works.



Copper Brass Bronze Design Handbook: Architectural Applications.

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