4 Myths about Brass Sheet Metal that Has to End Once and for All

Every once in a while, you come across pieces of information that are obvious hoax. Yet your lack of knowledge about the subject causes you to easily believe them. Depending on how convinced you are that what you’ve learned is a fact, you may be tempted to pass it on to the next person. That gives birth to a myth, and it’s too dangerous to let one perpetuate.

Even in the world of metals, myth is commonplace. After all, not very many people find metals interesting, so it’s easy to confuse facts with cons. One particular metal that has been a popular subject of misconception since its discovery several thousand years age is brass. Here are some misconceptions about brass that need to be debunked once and for all.

Debunking Some of the Greatest Misconceptions about Brass Sheet Metal

Myth #1: Only for Decorative Purposes

There’s no denying the elegant appearance of brass. Not only does it resemble gold, but each of its many variations comes in a unique, attractive hue. However, this doesn’t mean that brass is only utilized for decorative applications. In fact, its ornate qualities are only its secondary advantage. Brass is primarily prized for its strength, corrosion resistance, and machinability among many other properties.

Myth #2: Only for Making Musical Instruments

If you belong to a marching band or are a practicing musician, chances are you’ve heard about “brass instruments” more than once. These are instruments that produce sound by sympathetic vibration of air in a tubular resonator. Apart from that, there’s the obvious fact that they are made from brass. But that’s not because brass is made to be used for manufacturing musical instruments, but it’s because those instruments are best made from brass.

Also, there are multitudes of items that brass is manufactured into. These include railings, window frames, door knobs, and other home furniture and fixtures. Meanwhile, brass sheet metal is used for covering tables, countertops, and backsplashes.

Myth #3: Rusts Overtime

Brass is a non-ferrous metal. Meaning, it doesn’t contain iron, the basic component of rust (iron oxide). It is a combination of copper and zinc. Sometimes, other metals, such as tin, lead, manganese, and aluminum are added. All of the mentioned metals are non-ferrous, so there’s no chance brass will rust. However, when exposed to oxygen or moisture, it will tarnish and slowly develop a patina, a protective layer against further oxidation.

Myth #4: All Brasses Dezincifies

Brass contains no less than 30% zinc. According to expert metalworkers, alloys containing more than 15% zinc is at risk of dezincification. That said, it’s easy to believe that all brasses will eventually dezincify since they contain more than twice the tolerable amount. However, it’s not just the quantity that affects the quality of brass. If the alloying process is done properly and other elements are added, brass can better resist dezincification

If you’re careful and you do your research before purchasing any kind of metal, you’ll avoid falling prey to these myths. To better understand the properties of brass and why this metal is perfect for your projects, make sure that you consult with experts from trusted brass suppliers, such as Rotax Metals.




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